Employees as Brand Ambassadors
So the question is that can a new company not bring about the same pride and joy in their employees? The answer is a resounding yes! The easiest way for any new company to brand itself, is to begin by realizing that their employees can be their brand ambassadors. When employees refer they will bring in business leads, recruitment of experienced contacts and of course word of mouth marketing of their organization.
It’s all About Communication
When the vision, mission, values and culture of a company is born, it is absolutely necessary to write them down. Making a document would mean that these messages are repeated and drilled down into the employees so that they can identify themselves with the values and the culture of the company. This will help the employees feel rooted and retention will be easy. Corporate cultures are reflected in the working of the employees in the business world. More clearly, for example, an empowering corporate culture will produce a bold marketing team, willing to try out new ideas. Big risks do lead to big successes, hence creating a brand name for the company.
What comes first -Internal or External Branding?
What came first- the chicken or the egg? There is definitely an impact of internal branding on the external branding and vice-versa. It is also true that companies that begin internal branding are more aware of internal communication gaps and are accepting of such gaps as problem areas. Internal branding is much more effective when run as one major focused campaign followed up with smaller campaigns refocusing on the same message. Organizations should attempt theme based campaigns so that messages that need to be reiterated can be discussed thoroughly. In case the company wants to opt for regular communications, then mandatory online trainings and compliance modules should be a part of the company’s internal branding strategy.
Reinvigorate The Employee Towards The Brand
When communication and ideas are not tossing about, know that the employees are quiet and a quiet employee is prone to over thinking about the company, how its people are and what is lacking in the company. Employees when left alone for too long tend to complain- “we are working harder than the other department” etc! So when communication happens, employees get to know pressures and challenges that others are facing. This encourages empathy and problem solving. Ideas come flying thick and fast to solve for these. Once solutions resulting from these discussions are implemented and results discussed the employee has a clearer understanding of the stuff his company is made of. He feels that he is an important part of the organization and feels passionate about his ideas at work and the work itself. If the employee feels that not only is he being heard, but his ideas are accepted and mooted or booted he will begin to feel engaged. With employee engagement comes ideas of what the employees in the organization stand for and ultimately what the brand stands for. Small steps for employees- giant leap for organization!
How do you do it?
For beginning any initiative we must plan. Plan with objectives and follow up steps must be written down clearly. The marketing team should be involved with creation of taglines, creative so that the communication is clear to the employees. To engage employees in this activity is also a big effort, just like it is to engage a customer. The following are ways to achieve ends
· Eye-catching Digital Communication is a must. It will help you get responses faster
· Printed material like flyers, standees etc must be placed at strategic nooks and corners
· Have a writing Board for all the employees to write what they feel at locations where they congregate. For example, the canteen, near the coffee machines or basement parking
Internal branding initiative is a huge undertaking. The company needs to feel the pulse of the organization and work towards having employees voice their opinions. What you feel inside is how you will look on the outside- this is not just true for human beings. It is also true for organizations as well!